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LibertyCon 2024

You know your weekend is going to be a great one when it starts out with the words “I brought you a haggis.” More on that later. I’ve seen a handful of LibertyCon AARs go up within 24 hours of the con ending, and damn, guys, I’ll never know how they do it. It’s Wednesday […]

FantaSci 2024 – Level Up!

Greetings, Adventurers! You know what’s really awesome? Growth. You know what’s really hard? Growth. In 2023, FantaSci was the first con I’d ever attended as a pro. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a natural performer. Speaking in front of groups, talking into a microphone, or standing at a booth trying to sell […]

MarsCon 2024

When I attended MarsCon in 2023, I was a regular fan who lined up with other paid attendees to collect my badge at registration. Not only was it my first time visiting MarsCon, but it was the first SFF fan con I’d ever attended. I learned they’re very, very different from writing conferences, and it […]

DragonCon 2023

It’s been more than two weeks since I got home from DragonCon. I think I’m *almost* recovered… which is almost a joke. If you’ve ever thought hey, I’d like to geek out, talk books, and not sleep for six days, all while surrounded with roughly eighty thousand of your new best friends, DragonCon might be […]

Give Me LibertyCon…

It’s a blog! Sort of. Fear not. Much like my newsletter, I promise to update chaotically and without warning.   One day, I’ll go to a con and take lots of pictures, notes, and records of the panels and classes I go to. I’ll remember to tag and thank all the wonderful people I meet and hang […]