H.Y. Gregor was born in Portland, Oregon, but will always call the mountains of Colorado home. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science but put it down often enough to narrowly avoid law school. Now she spends as much free time as possible weaving fantasy tales and battling plot gremlins.
Her short fiction has earned Silver Honorable Mention awards from the Writers of the Future contest and published in a number of anthologies. These include contributions to Chris Kennedy Publishing’s 4HU, William Alan Webb’s Last Brigade, and a multi-genre spread of stories with Knight Writing Press, CKP, Dingbat, Gaxx Worx, and Three Ravens Publishing.
Her debut novel, Stonewhisper, released in June 2023 and is available here. Upcoming projects include a spinoff trilogy in Jon R. Osborne’s Milesian Accords world. Keep an eye out for the Vechnoye Saga, coming soon!
When not writing, she can often be found at writer’s conferences and retreats, sporting an overstuffed messenger bag and too many pens (just don’t ask to borrow one).